Monday, February 14, 2011

I did feel special!

Birthdays are all about making that person feel special.  And I definitely felt special on my birthday yesterday!  Starting first thing in the morning when I opened up a package from my mother-in-law.  Thanks Mary!  We’ve been wanting one of these.DSC_0439

And how could you not feel special with all the phone calls, text messages, facebook messages, emails, cards in the mail, etc. all day long from everyone you love?  Thank you so much!!

Dan had the day off work (awesome!) so he took Annie to school for me at 12:30.  After they pulled away I heard the doorbell ring, and when I opened the door I found this:DSC_0434

A single rose with a Bachelor date card!  haha.  (Ok, I have a little confession to make . . . . I do watch The Bachelor:)  On the show, the girls usually receive their date cards on the porch with a clue as to what their date is going to be.  My date card read,

“Sarah, A one-on-one dream date, tonight you will have,                                                                               With that dream “Bachelor” Dan (way hotter than Brad).                                                                               Though there won’t be cameras or cheesy love songs,                                                                                 This reality date you’ll remember for long.                                                                                                    The sitter is coming, the plans are all set.                                                                                                   Be ready by 5:00 for your best date-night yet.                                                                                              So let’s see if there’s drama or tears or attraction,                                                                                       There won’t be a hot tub, but there may be some action!”                        

I got a one-on-one date!  Yay!  haha . . . . And I know what you all are thinking, but hey, let’s face it – it’s good to have a little cheese in your life!  I was excited.DSC_0401

In the mean time, at 2:00 we all went to Annie’s school for her kindergarten class Valentine’s Day Party.  Leah LOVED being there with Annie – helping her pass out her valentines, eating ice cream sundaes, being called “adorable” by Annie’s friends, helping Annie move to gold on the behavior chart, sitting on the rug with all of Annie’s class while the teacher read a Valentine’s story . . . . she was just so excited about being there.  And she never left Annie’s side.  It was cute.   DSC_0388

We came home and Dan and the kids sang to me and gave me my birthday gifts. My “cake” was 3 Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory candy apples . . . . so yummy!!!DSC_0423DSC_0417 DSC_0419

Dan surprised me by getting me airline tickets to Ohio so I can go have a girls’ weekend with all of my friends!  I was so shocked and excited!  He has it all planned out, including who’s watching my kids on the days he has to work.  He even contacted all my friends and had them write me individual notes telling me how excited they are that I’m coming!  I was seriously getting teary eyed reading them and thinking about how much fun it’s going to be to see everyone.  I can’t wait!  Best present ever.DSC_0428

Then at 5:00, Dan picked up the babysitter and we were off on our date.  He didn’t tell me what we were doing, but the moment we were driving on the freeway toward the Grand Sierra Hotel, I knew what he had planned.  “Oh my gosh, are we going on THAT?”  I asked.  “Yep!” he said while laughing. DSC_0444

The Ultimate Rush . . . . a bungee free-fall swing type thing that flings you through the air at 70 mph.  I really did feel like I was on The Bachelor, doing some crazy date like bungee jumping where there’s no way you can say, “I’m not doing that,” because the whole world is watching.  No one was watching me but Dan, and he had planned this all out . . . . I really didn’t even think about saying no.DSC_0448

Honestly, the scariest part was going up, not knowing how much higher it was because you can’t see, and just getting further and further from the ground.  And all you see below you is cement.  SCARY!DSC_0451 DSC_0454DSC_0456

In the picture on the left you can see Dan pulling the ripcord to release us, and there we go!!DSC_0461 DSC_0464 DSC_0467

It really was the ultimate rush.  And so much fun!  We got off and both of us were just saying, “Oh my gosh!  I can’t believe we just did that!”  haha . . . it was so fun to do just the two of us:)

Well, we got back in the car, and Dan handed me an envelope with a card in it (I’ll spare you the cheesy poem this time;) telling me what we were going to do next on our date: a guilt free shopping spree at the Summit!  So fun.  And after that, another envelope with a card leading us to a restaurant for dinner.  It really was the perfect date night.

Thanks Dan for everything!!  You sure know how to make a girl feel special!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

2008 Walton Family Georgia Christmas Vacation of a Lifetime

One of the best ways to get into the Christmas spirit is to re-live past Christmases.  Two years ago the Walton Family spent Christmas at the Johnson’s house in Georgia.  This music video kind of sums up our time there.  Watching it gets me excited to get together again next week.  Besides, everything looks more fun when it’s put to music.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

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Mother’s Day


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